Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fish-N-Chips @ Grimms (Skinners Pond)

Congrats to Jen R. who won the (not-so) BIG Fish contest.  
Brandon with the best homemade fishing pole.  
Chelsea J., Amanda, and Jen R. for tying with most fish caught.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pitt. District Missions Trip SUMMER 08

Click on Pic to ENLARGE
Matt Branco is pictured at the bottom
of the page with the small child on his shoulders!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Cook Booking @ Warren County Fair

Yo's... in honor of our church's 100 Year Anniversary we've
been selling a cookbook containing 100 Years of GRUBBING!
The teens took their turn Thursday 8/7/2008 @ the Waren 
County Fair!  Thanks: Brando, Maranna, Matt, Zach, & Marcella

These make great gifts and are only $10 bucks so feel 
free to see Pastor J. or pick one up at the church office!