I knew that you are a merciful and compassionate God, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love. You are eager to turn back from destroying people.
- Jonah knew the Character of the Lord ~ Mt. 12:41 & Lk. 11:32
2 Peter 3:9 ~ The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
To seek to be Christ-Minded & Christ-Like is to examine and study the life and ministry of Jesus: Character Traits ~ your Inside (invisible) coming Outside (visible)
How Pastor J. summarizes the character / ministry of Jesus:
Boldly Loving & Uncompromisingly Obedient
Can you have one without the other? What happens if you do?
If we only Love Boldly ~ There is no NEED for forgiveness (the cross)
If we are only Uncompromisingly Obedient ~ There becomes no ROOM for forgiveness (the cross)
We can't (because Jesus didn't) simply go around abusing grace by loooooooooooving without the truth of God's word motivating and dictating our love. Jesus was boldly loving of the sick, poor, sinners, outcasts, and the unclean... BUT he loved without compromising the truth of God! He would love so much that God's truth would help others understand their need for Him and to be forgiven, healed, delivered, and restored! He loved so boldly and was uncompromisingly obedient to the truth of God that he would not stand for inconsistencies, false teaching, or self-righteousness! Do you see that BOTH WORK TOGETHER, yet... both fail on their own!You CAN NOT SEPARATE these character traits as a Christ follwer (because Jesus didn't)!
See for yourself: Jesus & The Paralytic ~ Luke 5:17-25 / Jesus & Peter ~ Mark 8:31-34
How is seeking to live with this kind of character challenging for a teenage Christ follower? Student Answers:
It makes you Vulnerable to Others / You may become well-intentioned but Overbearing in your witness / There's a lot of Peer Pressure & Fear of being rejected socially
What Social Issues are challenging because of this?
Clique's / Being Yourself (your Christ Following self) around others / BF & GF Relationships / Sexuality / Understanding the Biblical stance on the sin of Homosexuality and the healing & redemption offered (Romans 1:24-27 & 1Cor. 6:9-11) / Politics & War / Relationships with our Parents
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