Hey Pastor J
I've been feeling really out of touch with God, and reality....my life is spiraling out of control before my eyes and i cant stop it...but it feels like a car accident could have been avoided, my dad is unemployed and cannot pay child support and will go to jail soon, my mom is sick and has lung problems, and i find myself alone....ive done some things im not proud of during this time in my life and ive gotten in with some baaad people. i just wish there was some way to fix this....it hurts alot..
Two thoughts:

1. Live with more than the knowledge (head) of Jesus... live IN the REALITY of Jesus (heart)!
God is God but unlike all other world religious views of Him... Jesus makes it possible to not only worship God but to genuinely connect with Him through the Holy Spirit. I'm not saying there are many paths... in fact, Jesus said that nobody comes to the Father... but through Him!
2 Corinthians 13:14 ~ May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
Which leads to point #2
2. Jesus clearly left (3) things to us after he took off! = Holy Spirit / The Bible / The Church (other Believers & Followers of Jesus).
I'm convinced that God will not dictate a relationship with us. That's not how it works. Relationships take sacrifice and effort on both ends. I'm also convinced that our part of action is to pursue God through the (3) things mentioned above and if we eliminate, ignore, or overemphasize any of the three... the relationship will be confused, unbalanced, struggle... fade... seem distant!
Yeah bro'... we all fall short of who we desire to be for God... that's why we really need God to inhabit us and make that transformation. The three things I'm talking about are the best possible ways to put ourselves in position for that to happen! Those three things really put us in position to: a) Hear from God b) Allow God to work in our lives. This will not necessarily change our circumstances... but it will change our heart amidst the circumstance!

Counselors comfort, listen, teach, point out things that aren't working and show us ways to overcome our own missteps! In fact, Jesus even points out that this is a necessary step for his followers to take... a step of faith! [John 14:16, 26 / John 15:26 / John 16:7]
2 Corinthians 3:18 ~ And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
Following Jesus really has two parts: 1) Realizing that sin separates us from the work God wants to do in our lives and is the cause of eternal separation. Once we realize the gift of forgiveness and accept what Jesus has done... something else has to happen. 2) We surrender to the work of Jesus in our heart and life by way of His Holy Spirit (the Counselor). How do we know what that looks like (the reflection mentioned in 2 Cor. 3:18)?
Galatians 5:22-23
22But the fruit (result) of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. ...
Remember that this is not the result of us changing for God... rather God transforming us when we submit to His work within us! It happens both instantly (to some degree) and we also grow in these areas as well!
John also took the first part of his Gospel to articulate that Jesus and the Word of God are synonymous [John 1:1-18] . They are one which leads us to realize that if we want to clearly hear from God... we invest time in His Word (Bible). When this is done we avoid the trappings of hokey pokey

Hebrews 10:23-25 ~ Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.
So now, the church becomes a conduit (tool) of the Counselor (Jesus / Holy Spirit) to one another... and the world! It is of the utmost importance to find and belong to a group of others who follow Jesus. Where we find that... we are never alone!
So, this was a lengthy response but I encourage you from the depth of my heart to seek these 3 things! I promise that you will find something that is missing. Remember, your circumstances may not change... but your heart will be transformed!
Pastor J.
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