With her music showing up everywhere from television, movie trailers, and both mainstream and Christian radio I honestly first heard
Francesca Battistelli's hit single
Free to be Me when a student at teen camp sang it for our talent night. A few weeks later my wife, Ashley, says "
I heard this great song... go check it out"! You guessed it... same song. Later that week while walking through town with my son we saw a poster on a store front advertising that she would be in concert... in Warren the first week of September. Immediately I contacted the venue and started promoting the concert. Francesca's debut album
MY PAPER HEART speaks of life, love, and the hope and promise of life yet to be lived. She speaks into the life of the listener who can identify with her finding a place in life with very little answers as to who and where she should be while looking to the Lord for the answers. Young women especially can identify and should listen deeply to the contemplative lyrics found. Every song is catchy and you will find this an album of music that will follow you long after listened too! Ashley would add that
Beautiful Beautiful is her favorite track!
For Fans of: Colbie Calait, GOOD MUSIC
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