Friday, January 16, 2009


The photo at left is of Courtney Hope Fabian who was born after just 27 weeks. She is honestly a "miracle baby"... as well as the daughter of my cousin Misty.  She currently weighs 2 lbs. 13 oz. ~ Pastor J.

[From ] A sunrise reminds us that every day is a miracle in progress. The conception and birth of a baby is a tangible example of complex creation at its finest. The smile of a child with Down Syndrome reflects innocent joy. And even the wrinkled, knowing eyes of the elderly give us a sense of something eternal ... bigger than ourselves. Life is sacred. Whether in the womb or aged, healthy or terminal, outwardly "beautiful" or obviously "imperfect," we are made in God's image.
January 18-25 is Sanctity of Human Life week. This is our opportunity to celebrate the unique worth of every human soul. The stories we've collected are affirmations of truth: Regardless of appearance, age or ability, life is of inestimable value.

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