When the freedom of choice is removed… it will be replaced with resentment! When the freedom of choice is upheld... responsibility to the consequences accompanies.

I am very proud of our nation’s ability to not only elect a President of color, but to also have seriously considered two females for such high appointments (Senator Clinton / Governor Palin). I am equally proud of the confidence entrusted to former Secretary of State Rice and future Secretary of State Clinton. I am proud of our nation.

My pride turns to remorse and regret that a nation under God and founded on Christian principal once strongly turned its back on the word of God. Minimizing and even eliminating personal freedom based on gender and race. Then, through the conviction of a Christian man with the word of God guiding his message of peace… Martin Luther King Jr. helped reform the landscape of this great nation. I am only three generations removed from a national and social shift that radically challenged and transformed. I am proud of this nation.
John 6:14-15 ~ After the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesus did, they began to say, "Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world." Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.
Jesus kingdom is a heavenly kingdom. We as Christians are a redeemed people who will one day enjoy a fully redeemed earth. Jesus reign is an eternal reign. When we the people accept Christ as Lord we are then challenged to a radical shift of motivation and condition of our heart. When this happens the kingdom is among us! Pray for our President and, as a reflection of the heart of this nation, may God bless the U.S.A.!
1 comment:
Certainly President Obama will need all the prayers he can get. I have no desire to try to lead this nation but I hope he does a good job with the responsibility bestowed on him by the American people.
Thanks for the comment on my page! I will take in consideration your request for a font color change.
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